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John Lennox - Determined to Believe?

·174 words·

The very fact that I am writing this book may well, from the perspective of history, be at least in part traceable to the phenomenal energy, ability, and courage of Luther, Calvin, and other Reformers–figures who inspired and achieved the monumentally important task of bringing Scripture back into the centre of Christianity and its witness to the world. Their emphasis on the glory and sovereignty of God, and their insistence on constantly going back to the biblical text–taking great pains to explain it clearly and only accepting what was consistent with it–form a model to which many of us lesser mortals rightly aspire. Following that lead has been a great inspiration to many Christians today, myself included, who long for more solidity, more intellectual depth, more maturity in the expression of their Christian faith, more sense of God’s holiness and more concern for God’s reputation than is to be found in some of the frothy, insubstantial attempts to make the Christian faith more attractive to the outside world.

John Lennox - Determined to Believe?